Corporation engaging in specified non-profit activities
(Purpose and Project)
This corporation has the purpose to enhance social cognition and status for disabled people and their supporter, and, to strengthen reginal cooperation, then build intercultural communities where nobody can be eliminated, and, contribute to enhance public interest.
To achieve its purpose, this cooperation is to do below specified non-profit activities :
(1)Activity to improve health, medical, and social welfare
(2)Activity to improve social education
(3)Activity to improve community development
(4)Activity to protect human rights and promote peace
(5)Activity to improve the healthy development of children
(6)Activity to revitalize the economy
(7)Activity to support professional development or expanding employment opportunities
(8)Activity to contact or advise about, or, support, the activities listed in the preceding items
To achieve its purpose, this corporation is to do below specified non-profit projects :
(1)Evet management, coordinating with welfare organization and so on
(2)Support to exhibit or sale products made by person with disabilities
(3)Promotion of understanding through public relations activities
(4)Making and developping the Map for barrier-free mindset
(5)Support for consultation support provider and making collaborative network
(6)Inclusive education and its support
(7)Any other necessary projects to achieve purpose for this corpration
Social issues we want to solve by projects
Dear local resident are warm-hearted, but because of division by institusions, lost opportunity to know or get involved in person who has a hard time living. So that, we start with ”Knowing” “Feeling” together, then co-create “Growing” “Living” together.

Main specific project
- “Feeling together” – Co-creating opportunity to interact with person who has a hard time living
- “Knowing together” – Co-creating transmission of information
- “Growing together” – Co-creating family functions
- “Living together” – Co-creating intercultural communities